Last Friday I received an Easter card from my mom. She wrote on the left side of the card, “May God bless you, my dear, Love Mom.” It made me really happy to get this card, especially that she had signed
"Love, Mom." Since January it's been rare that she tells me she loves me, so when she does it's very sweet. Then I noticed that on the right side below the printed greeting, she signed it, “Lee’s mom, Barbara Graham.”* Normally, she would have just signed it "Mom," but now she signs her full name as if we wouldn't know who it's from. It reminded me of how Alzheimer’s Disease is changing her.
*Not our real names
I'm glad to find a new blog on Alzheimer's. I was also hundreds of miles away from my dad when he had dementia, and I know it can be difficult.
I hope that it's not embarassment about Alzheimer's that is causing you to blog anonymously - it's something almost every family deals with, and no cause for embarassment. Many of us baby boomers will have dementia as we get older.
Thanks for your comment, Mona. I decided to write anonymously because I want to be able to speak freely without embarrassing my mother or my family. I'm not embarrassed that my mother has Alzheimer's, but I may sometimes write things in this blog that could be embarrassing to her.
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